CA NeWs Beta*: March 2011

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Entry-level salary for CAs raised

Companies which wish to recruit fresh Chartered Accountants (CAs) will now have to shell out more as the of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has decided to advocate a 50 per cent hike in floor salary package for new accountants. This means, minimum pay for the freshly minted accountants will work out at Rs 75,000 per month. Last year the floor was Rs 50,000 per month "New CAs get solid grounding while doing their article ship and are good at managing business environment. The compensation should reflect the talent they possess," said G Ramaswamy, President, ICAI. Of a total student strength of 5,300, the institute has placed 1,800 students so far. Highest salary at the institute has been offered to three students with an annual package of Rs 67.5 lakh offered by Olam International in Singapore.




Amendment in the Point of Taxation Rules, 2011 vide Notification No. 25/2011 –

The Ministry of Finance has issued Notification No. 25/2011 dated
March 31, 2011 amending the Point of Taxation Rules, 2011. As per this
notification, the Point of Taxation in respect of services provided by
proprietorship or partnership firms of Chartered Accountants shall be
on receipt basis, i.e., the date on which payment is received. This
benefit has also been extended to Cost Accountants, Company
Secretaries, Architects, Interior Decorators and Advocates.


Notification No. 25/2011–Service Tax, Dated : March 31, 2011

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) and clause (hhh) of sub-section (2) of section 94 of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994) the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Point of Taxation Rules, 2011, namely:-

1. (1) These rules may be called the Point of Taxation (Amendment) Rules, 2011.

(2) They shall come into force on the 1st day of April, 2011.

2. In the Point of Taxation Rules, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the “said rules�), for rule 3, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“3. Determination of point of taxation.- For the purposes of these rules, unless otherwise provided, ‘point of taxation’ shall be,-

(a) the time when the invoice for the service provided or to be provided is issued:

Provided that where the invoice is not issued within fourteen days of the completion of the provision of the service, the point of taxation shall be date of such completion.

(b) in a case, where the person providing the service, receives a payment before the time specified in clause (a), the time, when he receives such payment, to the extent of such payment.

Explanation .- For the purpose of this rule, wherever any advance by whatever name known, is received by the service provider towards the provision of taxable service, the point of taxation shall be the date of receipt of each such advance.�.

3. In rule 4 of the said rules,-

(i) for the words “change of rate�, wherever they occur, the words “change in effective rate of tax� shall be substituted;

(ii) for the words “change of rate of tax� or “change in tax rate� or “change of tax rate�, respectively at both the places where they occur, the words “change in effective rate of tax� shall be substituted;

(iii) after sub-clause (iii) of clause (b), the following Explanation shall be inserted, namely:-

“Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, “change in effective rate of tax� shall include a change in the portion of value on which tax is payable in terms of a notification issued under the provisions of Finance Act, 1994 or rules made thereunder.�.

4. For rule 6 of the said rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“6. Determination of point of taxation in case of continuous supply of service.-Notwithstanding anything contained in rules 3,4 or 8, in case of continuous supply of service, the ‘point of taxation’ shall be,-

(a) the time when the invoice for the service provided or to be provided is issued:

Provided that where the invoice is not issued within fourteen days of the completion of the provision of the service, the point of taxation shall be date of such completion.

(b) in a case, where the person providing the service, receives a payment before the time specified in clause (a), the time, when he receives such payment, to the extent of such payment.

Explanation 1. – For the purpose of this rule, where the provision of the whole or part of the service is determined periodically on the completion of an event in terms of a contract, which requires the service receiver to make any payment to service provider, the date of completion of each such event as specified in the contract shall be deemed to be the date of completion of provision of service.

Explanation 2.- For the purpose of this rule, wherever any advance, by whatever name known, is received by the service provider towards the provision of taxable service, the point of taxation shall be the date of receipt of each such advance.�.

5. For rule 7, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“7. Determination of point of taxation in case of specified services or persons.-Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the point of taxation in respect of,-

(a) the services covered by sub-rule (1) of rule 3 of Export of Services Rules, 2005;

(b) the persons required to pay tax as recipients under the rules made in this regard in respect of services notified under sub-section (2) of section 68 of the Finance Act, 1994;

(c) individuals or proprietary firms or partnership firms providing taxable services referred to in sub-clauses (p), (q), (s), (t), (u), (za), (zzzzm) of clause (105) of section 65 of the Finance Act, 1994,

shall be the date on which payment is received or made, as the case may be:

Provided that in case of services referred to in clause (a), where payment is not received within the period specified by the Reserve Bank of India, the point of taxation shall be determined, as if this rule does not exist.

Provided further that in case of services referred to in clause (b) where the payment is not made within a period of six months of the date of invoice, the point of taxation shall be determined as if this rule does not exist.

Provided also that in case of “associated enterprises�, where the person providing the service is located outside India, the point of taxation shall be the date of credit in the books of account of the person receiving the service or date of making the payment whichever is earlier.

6. For rule 9, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“9. Transitional Provisions.- Nothing contained in this sub-rule shall be applicable,-

(i) where the provision of service is completed; or

(ii) where invoices are issued prior to the date on which these rules come into force.

Provided that services for which provision is completed on or before 30th day of June, 2011 or where the invoices are issued upto the 30th day of June, 2011, the point of taxation shall, at the option of the taxpayer, be the date on which the payment is received or made as the case may be.�.

F.No. 334/3/2011–TRU

Under Secretary to the Government of India

Note : – The principal notification No. 18/2011-Service Tax, dated the 1st March 2011, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R.175(E), dated the 1st March, 2011



CA Sachin Gupta
C/o B.K. GUPTA & CO.
Chartered Accountants
A-214, Indira Nagar,

Vacancy for experienced and fresher CA

Required CA freshers as well as CA final students immediately at our Latur ofice urgently.Interested persons may please contact.
CA Sunil Kocheta

ICAI E-Journal April 2011 edition

To download please visit forum section

Amendment to Schedule VI

Amendment to Schedule VI 
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
New Delhi, dated the 2011
G.S.R    (E)- In exercise of the powers conferred by clause(a) of sub-section(1) of section 642 read with sub-section(1) of section 210A and sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies Act,1956,  (1 of 1956), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment  to paragraph 2 of the notification No.447(E) dated the 28th February,2011.:- 
“ The notification shall come into force for the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account to be prepared for the financial year commencing on or after 1.4.2011”.
[F. No. 2/6/2008-C.L-V]
Avinash K. Srivastava
Joint Secretary 
Note: - The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide G.S.R. No.414, dated the 21st March, 1961 last amended vide S.O. No.447 (E) dated the 28thFebruary,2011

NBFCs not to be Partners in Partnership firms

NBFCs not to be Partners in Partnership firms
DNBS.PD/ CC.NO. 214/03.02.002/2010-11
March 30, 2011
Dear Sir,
NBFCs not to be Partners in Partnership firms
It has come to the notice of the Reserve Bank of India that some NBFCs have large investments in / have contributed capital to partnership firms.
2.  In view of the risks involved in NBFCs associating themselves with partnership firms, it has been decided to prohibit NBFCs from contributing capital to any partnership firm or to be partners in partnership firms. In cases of existing partnerships, NBFCs may seek early retirement from the partnership firms.
3.   Copies of Amending Notifications No. DNBS.227/CGM (US)-2011 and No. DNBS.228/ CGM (US)-2011 dated March 30, 2011 are enclosed for meticulous compliance.
Yours sincerely,
(Uma Subramaniam)
Chief General Manager-in-Charge
Encl: as above

MUMBAI 400 005.
Notification no. DNBS.227 / CGM(US)-2011 dated March 30, 2011
The Reserve Bank of India, having considered it necessary in public interest and being satisfied that, for the purpose of enabling the Bank to regulate the credit system to the advantage of the country, it is necessary to amend the Non-Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as the said Directions) contained in Notification No. DNBS. 192/DG(VL)-2007 dated February 22, 2007, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 45JA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934) and of all the powers enabling it in this behalf, hereby directs that the said Directions shall be amended with immediate effect as follows-
Insertion of new paragraph 19 A-
After paragraph 19 of the said Directions, the following paragraph 19A shall be inserted.
"NBFCs not to be partners in partnership firms"
19A. (1) No non-banking financial company, which is accepting public deposit shall contribute to the capital of a partnership firm or become a partner of such firm.
(2) A non-banking financial company, which is accepting public deposit and which had already contributed to the capital of a partnership firm or was a partner of a partnership shall seek early retirement from the partnership firm.
(Uma Subramaniam)
Chief General Manager

MUMBAI 400 005.
Notification no. DNBS. 228 / CGM(US)-2011 dated March 30, 2011
The Reserve Bank of India, having considered it necessary in public interest and being satisfied that, for the purpose of enabling the Bank to regulate the credit system to the advantage of the country, it is necessary to amend the Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as the said Directions) contained in Notification No. DNBS. 193/DG(VL)-2007 dated February 22, 2007, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 45JA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934) and of all the powers enabling it in this behalf, hereby directs that the said Directions shall be amended with immediate effect as follows, namely -
Insertion of new paragraph 20 A-
After paragraph 20 of the said Directions, the following paragraph 20A shall be inserted.
"NBFCs not to be partners in partnership firms"
20A. (1) No non-banking financial company shall contribute to the capital of a partnership firm or become a partner of such firm.
(2) A non-banking financial company, which had already contributed to the capital of a partnership firm or was a partner of a partnership firm shall seek early retirement from the partnership firm.
(Uma Subramaniam)
Chief General Manager

Consolidated FDI Policy (Effective from 1-4-2011)

Circular 1 of 2011 on FDI
Circular 1 of 2011, being released today, is the third edition of the Consolidated FDI Policy. One year has passed since the policy on Foreign Direct investment (FDI), was consolidated and released for the first time, effective 1.4.2010. At that time, Government had committed to updating this document every six months. The second edition was released, effective from 1.10.2011.
2. The following major changes have been incorporated in the latest consolidation:
(i)     Pricing of Convertible instruments
(paragraph 3.2.1 of Circular 1 of 2011 ):
Instead of specifying the price of convertible instruments upfront, companies will now have the option of prescribing a conversion formula, subject to the FEMA/ SEBI guidelines on pricing. This would help the recipient companies in obtaining a better valuation based upon their performance.
(ii)   Inclusion of fresh items for issue of shares against non-cash considerations
     (paragraph 3.4.6 of Circular 1 of 2011 ):
The existing policy provides for conversion of only ECB/lump-sum fee/Royalty into equity.  A discussion paper on the possibility and need for inclusion of additional items into equity had been released by DIPP in September, 2010. After stakeholder consultations, Government has now decided to permit issue of equity, under the Government route, in the following cases, subject to specific conditions:
(a)   import of capital goods/ machinery/ equipment (including second-hand   machinery)
(b)   pre-operative/ pre-incorporation expenses (including payments of rent etc.)
This measure, which liberalises conditions for conversion of non-cash items into equity, is expected to significantly ease the conduct of business.
(iii) Removal of the condition of prior approval in case of existing joint ventures/     technical collaborations in the ‘same field”
(paragraph 4.2.2 of Circular 2 of 2010):
A discussion paper had been released by DIPP last year on the need for review of this condition. There is a felt need to attract fresh investment and technology inflows into the country, as also to reduce the levels of State intervention in the commercial sphere. Keeping in view the above, Government has decided to abolish this condition. It is expected that this measure will promote the competitiveness of India as an investment destination and be instrumental in attracting higher levels of FDI and technology inflows into the country.
(iv)  Guidelines relating to down-stream investments
     (paragraph 4.6 of Circular 1 of 2011 ):
The guidelines have been comprehensively simplified and rationalised.  Companies have now been classified into only two categories – ‘companies owned or controlled by foreign investors’ and ‘companies owned and controlled by Indian residents’. The earlier categorisation of ‘investing companies’, ‘operating companies’ and ‘investing-cum-operating companies’ has been done away with.
(v)   Development of Seeds
 (paragraph 5.2.1 of Circular 1 of 2011):
In the agriculture sector, FDI will now be permitted in the development and production of seeds and planting material, without the stipulation of having to do so under ‘controlled conditions’.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

DISA Question paper set

For downloading please visit forum section.

Job Opportunity in General Accounting

A permanent position details are as follows.

Experience: Fixed Assets Management and Bank Reconciliation and some others accounting related work.
Qualification: ICMAP qualified or Patrially qualified upto Stage 4 can also apply
Gender: Female (Good Communication Skills/Sharp)

We are looking for a candidate with long term association. The requirement is top urgent and we have to fill the position immediately.

Send CVs at



Jobs for Accountants

Person in Accounts looking for a job there are 2 vacancies for our clients on monthly salary Rs 9000/-.
The interested person can send their bio data at G. Sabharwal & Associates
Chartered Accountants

143/2  Chander Nagar, Alambagh, Lucknow -  226005, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
(Wire Free) 9415108029, 9839272225  (LL) 0522 - 2464606, 4010040

Monday, March 28, 2011

Effects of IFRS on Financial Ratios

The Effects of IFRS on Financial Ratios: Early Evidence in Canada Backgrounder
This timely CGA-Canada publication examines the impact of
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on key financial
ratios of public Canadian companies as they transition to the new
financial reporting regime this year. IFRS replaces Canadian Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for publicly accountable
enterprises and affects figures presented in financial statements. The
differences between IFRS and pre-changeover Canadian GAAP regimes may
lead to variances in financial ratios – the key indicators on which
investors rely to gauge a company’s financial performance. The
variances in ratios can impair the comparability and analysis of
historic trends. The report does point to opportunities to mitigate
these challenges. Companies are initially required to produce
statements using both sets of accounting standards.

Report highlights
Most of the ratios under IFRS are more volatile than those under
pre-changeover Canadian GAAP
Maximum values of several ratios are higher and minimum values are
lower under IFRS, although the effects of IFRS on means and medians of
ratios related to the financial condition of companies are not
statistically significant.
There is a significant difference in the distribution of values around
medians for such ratios as current and quick ratios, debt,
alternative-debt and equity ratios, interest coverage, fixed-charge
and cash-flow coverage, return on assets (ROA), comprehensive-ROA and
price-earnings related ratios.
The exact source of the increased volatility of ratios under IFRS
remains unclear. The causes may include the incremental adjustments
that are specific to IFRS, and those associated with the
principle-based approach that allows for more discretion and judgment
by management.
Differences between IFRS and pre-changeover Canadian GAAP do not
affect cash flows
The cash-flow statement is less influenced by accounting methods and
estimates, and serves as a sound basis of comparison.
The impact of IFRS is subject to the industry effect and how recently
the company transitioned to IFRS
Companies in the mining sector seem to have certain incentives to
early adoption of IFRS as early adopters primarily consist of
companies in this sector.
Under IFRS, profitability and coverage ratios of mining companies are
affected to a greater extent than the ratios of companies in other
Companies that implemented IFRS more recently had lower profitability
than those that had been applying it for some time.
IFRS’ impact on financial ratios is driven by differences in
application of fair value accounting and consolidation, and several
other differences
Fair value accounting leads to adjustments in balance sheet figures,
direct allocation of some unrealized gains and losses to the income
statement, as well as allocation of other unrealized gains and losses
to other comprehensive income.
Liquidity and leverage ratios are affected by fair value accounting
practices due to balance sheet variations while profitability and
coverage ratios are affected due to balance sheet variations and
recognition of unrealized gains/losses.
The impact of consolidation on ratios is difficult to isolate as the
differences are incorporated or combined in the consolidated figures.
Incorporation of minority interest in equity also has a significant
impact on financial statements, directly affecting profitability and
leverage ratios.
A number of other differences between IFRS and pre-changeover Canadian
GAAP impact financial ratios. Leverage and profitability ratios are
sensitive to the differences in impairment test procedures applied to
long-lived assets, as well as to the impact on liabilities, expenses
and equity caused by the differences in application of standards on
leases, pensions and contingencies, and share-based payments.
Specific characteristics differentiate IFRS from other accounting regimes
IFRS is principle-based; it gives more importance to substance (over
form) and allows management to use greater discretion and flexibility
in choosing accounting methods and estimates when preparing financial
Fair value accounting responds to investors’ needs for information
that reflects market-based values, but involves varying degrees of
subjectivity. Since investors need market-based values to make
decisions regarding buying or selling stocks, many items in financial
statements are required or eligible for fair value accounting under
Comprehensive income reflects revenues, expenses, gains and losses
recognized during a specified time period. It is summarized in a
separate financial statement made up of two parts; one corresponding
to the bottom line (profit or loss) of the income statement and the
other – called other comprehensive income (OCI) – relating to fair
value adjustments.
The entity theory underlies consolidation requiring assets and
liabilities of acquired subsidiaries and minority interests to be
measured at fair value. Under IFRS, the share of profit allocated to
minority interest is recognized directly in equity rather than income.
IFRS improves transparency and completeness of financial statements,
yet can lead to information overload as accompanying notes are
abundant and complex.
Analysts should continue to be cautious when examining financial
ratios during the transition to IFRS in Canada.
Financial statement users need to be aware of the main features of
IFRS that differ from pre-changeover Canadian GAAP and distinguish
between reported performance changes caused by the transition to IFRS
from those caused by changes in the business.
Relying on cash-flow analysis is recommended, particularly in cases
when accounting practices are subject to uncertainty or discretion of
management. Another possible solution may lie in recalculating ratios
using IFRS retroactive information presented in the year of
Financial statement users are advised to verify the uniformity of
underlying figures when using gross profit and operating profit
margins in profitability analysis.
The use of comprehensive-ROA (return on assets) and comprehensive ROE
(return on equity) is recommended to enhance comparability when
analyzing comprehensive income. These represent an adaptation of the
standard ROA/ROE calculations which substitute comprehensive income as
the numerator

Model paper on Advanced Auditing for CA Final may 2011

Here is a model paper on Advanced Auditing for CA Final students
preparing for the forthcoming exams.

1. Give your views on the following:

(a) Alpha Ltd subscribes for 100,000 equity shares of Rs10 each of
Beta Ltd., of which Rs 7 is paid up at a total cost of Rs 7,00,000.
Alpha Ltd proposes to show the investments at the book value of Rs
1,000,000 and disclose the uncalled amount of Rs 3,00,000 as a current

(b) A power project in the construction stage raised funds for its
project through a public issue and placed a part of the funds in a
fixed deposit with a nationalszed bank. Interest on such fixed deposit
for the year ended 31.03.2011 is Rs7.000.000. The Assessing officer
proposes penalty against the company for not subjecting the Accounts
to tax audit u/s. 44AB

(c) A private limited Ccmpany promoted by the spouse and children of a
partner of a firm of Chartered Accountants is appointed as internal
auditors of a public limited company audited by the firm.

(d) A company calculates income tax payable by it for the Assessment
year 2011/12 at Rs 10.00 lakh. It

has TDS of Rs 3.00 lakh and paid Advance Tax of Rs 6.50 laks. How
would disclose it in the Financial Statements as on 31.03.2011?

2. Determine if the following circumstances constitute any
professional misconduct.

(a) A chartered accountant with a certificate of practice and employed
in a firm of chartered accountants takes up audit of branches of a
bank in his name.

(b) The spouse of a practising chartered accountant heads the credit
department of a private sector bank. The CA is assigned the job of
credit appraisal of applicants for loans.

(c) A CA opens offices at two localities of a city, which are 70 km
apart and heads both the offices.

(d) A CA operates a web site, which provides links to the Ministry of
Company Affairs, income-tax department and to a private sector bank
which facilitates direct payment of income tax and dues to the MCA

3. (a) How do you audit conversion of debentures in to equity?

(b) You are appointed at the Annual General Meeting as the statutory
auditor under Companies Act and also Tax audit under the Income-Tax
Act. How do you react?

(c) When you are appointed as the auditor in place of another auditor,
what points do you consider to avoid unpleasantness?

4. (a) What points do you consider while taking up audit of borrowers
of a bank?

(b) What are the special points to be considered in the audit of a
multi state co-operative society?

5. A manufacturer of cars is contemplating to set up a facility for
the manufacture of tyres for the cars. You are required to assess the
viability of the same and carry out a management audit. Prepare a
management audit questionnaire.

6. (a) Trade by a stock broker for himself poses a problem while
carrying out the audit of stock brokers. Comment.

(b) Due diligence audit is required only at the time of mergers and
acquisitions. Do you agree?

(c) You are appointed as auditor u/s. 142(2A) of the Income-Tax Act.
Whom do you report to? How is the audit fee determined and who pays
the same. Do you need to communicate to the statutory auditor of the

7. (a) What is energy audit? What are the aims and objectives of the same?

(b) A nationalised bank directs its branches to pay professional tax
on the receipt of notice from the Government. The bank contends that
it is not a prior period item. Do you agree? Give reasons.

(c) Discuss the role of the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (IRDA) in the context of audit of insurance companies.

8. Write short notes on any four of the following

(a) Negative confirmations

(b) Management representation

(c) Subsequent events

(d) Audit estimates

(e) Form 3 CB

(The author is a Hyderabad-based chartered accountant.)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Auditor raps India's ONGC over 'inflated' claims

NEW DELHI (March 27, 2011) : India's auditor has rapped state-run
ONGC over its $2.12 billion purchase of Imperial Energy, saying
unrealistic output forecasts were made to justify the energy giant's
costliest ever acquisition. The harshly-worded condemnation comes only
months before Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) is slated to hold a
share sale targeted to raise around $2.7 billion for government

The government auditor said Russia-focused Imperial, whose main assets
are in the Tomskh region of east Russia, has produced lower than
projected output and its oil reserves had been inflated. London-listed
Imperial has been able to achieve production of only 15,803 barrels of
oil per day (bpd) as against the envisaged production levels of 35,000
bpd (at the time of acquisition), the Comptroller and Auditor General
said in its report tabled in parliament late Friday,

The shortfall had caused a loss of 11.8 billion rupees or $265 million
on top of several billions dollars in losses stemming from
unproductive exploration of assets. ONGC still has "to succeed as an
(energy) operator", the report said. ONGC Videsh Ltd, the overseas arm
of ONGC, acquired Russia-focused Imperial Energy in January 2009 for
$2.12 billion, making it the company's most expensive acquisition

ONGC had to reduce the proven reserve size of the asset during 2009-10
by 1.53 million tons "indicating the inflated size of reserves
estimated by the company at the time of its acquisition", the auditor
general said. "The fact the company even now is not in a position to
generate a realistic production profile and bring out an economic
analysis confirms all the problems associated with these fields were
not properly assessed," the report said.

Investors are already nervous about India's raft of financial scandals
and analysts say the damning report could jeopardise the government's
plans to sell off a five percent stake in ONGC sometime mid-year. The
report criticising ONGC comes after the auditor last year stirred a
massive controversy by saying the government's cut-rate sale of mobile
licences had cost the public treasury up to $40 billion.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

opening in United spirits limited for a fresher CA in Delhi

Opening in United spirits limited for a fresher CA in Delhi. If anybody is interested, plz mail ur resume to

Revised Schedule VI to be effective from 1st April 2011

Ministry of Corporate Affairs through its site has conveyed that Revised Schedule VI shall be effective from 1st April 2011. This implies that application of revised Schedule VI has been postponed by one year. For details please visit the abovementioned site for reference.

Compulsory Attendance of Professional Development Programmes by the Members

The Council of the Institute at its 200th Meeting held on March 18, 2011 at New Delhi amended the Guidelines for Compulsory Attendance of Professional Development Programmes by the Members to provide as under:
Next block of three years
April 01, 2011 to March 31, 2014
Min. number of Programme Credit Hours (PCH) to be acquired by Members in Practice
15 PCH in each year or 50 PCH in a block of three years w.e.f April 01, 2011
Min. number of PCH to be acquired by Members in Employment (i.e. members in whose name Form 32 has been filed to work as Company Secretary under the provisions of Sec. 383A of the Companies Act, 1956)
10 PCH in each year or 35 PCH in a block of three years w.e.f April 01, 2011
Min. number of PCH to be acquired by Members above the age of 60 years
Presently the members of the age of 65 years are not required to obtain PCH. This age limit stands reduced to 60 years and the members above the age of 60 years shall be required to obtain 50% of the PCH required to be obtained by the members below 60 years w.e.f April 01, 2011.
Members failing to obtain the mandatory PCH upto March 31, 2011
Provided with a shortfall upto 10 PCH and required to compensate by obtaining atleast 5 additional PCH on pro rata basis in the first year of the next  block of three years commencing from April 01, 2011.
Members who have not obtained any PCH during the block ending on March 31, 2011
Members seeking renewal of CoP to provide an explanation for non compliance with the Guidelines – to be decided on case to case basis.

Amendments in the Companies(Director's Identification Number) Rules, 2006

For downloading the amendments please click here

Taxmann's Guide to New Schedule VI of Companies Act

Friday, March 25, 2011

Vice President - Treasury in Mumbai

Elixir Consulting has been retained by our MNC Banking client to fill Vice President – Treasury position ASAP to ba based out of Mumbai. CTC Offered would be 35-40 Lacs Per annum.
A brief JD is as follows:
This position will lead the Regional Treasury Reporting Operations for EMEA and support North America, as necessary, in addition to helping with consolidation of global Treasury Reporting as it relates to the region. This position will drive execution of projects from receiver's perspective and work with Global Treasury Reporting Head to build capabilities in developing sustainable reporting operations for the region. The position will also be responsible for managing day to day operations relating to Treasury Reporting for the region and processes in scope.
Additional Objectives:
-          Project Management: Planning and execution of all Treasury Reporting initiatives within the region, including support for global projects
-          Quality & Transformation: Drive reengineering to improve data quality and process efficiency. Provide active support to the FRO Global Treasury Reporting Head in process and data standardization, MIS development and Implementation of standard solutions.
-          Risk and Control: Continuous focus on compliance and control
This position will closely interact with Risk, Treasury and Finance seniors in the EMEA Region and with FRO Global Treasury Reporting Head to deliver against FRO tasks in a timely and accurate manner. This individual will provide support to the Global FRO Treasury Reporting Head in driving and implementing regional Treasury Reporting initiatives, including transition of Reporting processes into FRO. The ideal candidate needs to have relevant experience in Liquidity Reporting and Interest Risk Reporting (either in Treasury, Risk or Product Control functions), ability to think strategically, manage ambiguity, handle multiple priorities,, and confidence in dealing with senior leaders.
Type of Work: The job requires detailed understanding of Liquidity and Interest Rate Risk reporting function. Requires an ability to understand and follow the strategic direction charted by FRO Global Treasury Reporting Lead. An ability to think independently and identify opportunities for reengineering and process efficiency. Excellent communication skills required, both written and verbal. 
Overall Competencies and Leadership Qualities
  • Ability to think strategically and independently
  • Manage multiple priorities and handling ambiguity
  • Prior experience of dealing with senior leaders in the company
  • Background in Treasury, Risk and/or Product Control
  • Quick study – should be able to rapidly absorb the information and propose potential solutions
  • Execution focused – absolute result orientation  - and attention to details
  • Pleasant and team player – can work with multiple stakeholders with minimum authority
  • Can work in a matrix environment with limited guidance
  • Excellent communication skills – verbal and written
  • Finance Experience with knowledge of Balance Sheet Management, Liquidity and Interest Risk
  • Experience working with complex data (sourcing, aggregation, organization, analysis and reporting)
  • Experience in process reengineering, transformation initiatives and driving value
  • Cultural sensitivity and ability to effectively work in virtual/ remote environment
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Sustainability reporting: most complete guidance ever
The most comprehensive and complete sustainability reporting guidance
is now available, as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launches
its G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines today (23 March 2011).

GRI is a network-based non-governmental organization that aims to make
sustainability reporting common practice. GRI produces the world’s
most widely used Sustainability Reporting Guidelines to enable the
drive towards greater transparency. GRI is committed to continuously
improving and increasing the use of the Guidelines, which are freely
available to the public.

An increasing number of companies are producing reports on their
non-financial performance, enabling their stakeholders to understand
the company’s impact on the economy, the environment and on society.

The guidance released today is the completion of GRI’s current
generation of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. The G3.1 Guidelines
feature up to date guidance on issues that are critical in today’s
society – human rights, gender and community.

GRI is also launching guidance to help companies determine what to
measure and report on. The Technical Protocol – Applying the Report
Content Principles will enable organizations to produce relevant
reports more easily.

Nelmara Arbex, Deputy Chief Executive of the Global Reporting
Initiative, said: “We are very pleased to be launching the GRI G3.1
Guidelines today. Another important achievement is the new Technical
Protocol, which will help companies determine what to report on.
Together, the Protocol and the new guidance in G3.1 will enable all
organizations to be transparent about a wide range of important, but
often neglected, issues.”

Organizations that are already reporting on their sustainability
performance are entitled to use the current G3 Guidelines or the
updated G3.1 Guidelines. Both versions remain valid until the next
generation of GRI Guidelines is in place. This next generation is due
to be launched in 2013 and will be the only valid version of the
Guidelines in 2015.

While G3-based reporting remains valid, GRI recommends that reporters
use G3.1, the most comprehensive reporting guidance available today.
G3.1 enables organizations to be transparent about a wider range of
sustainability issues. New reporters should begin their reporting
journey by following G3.1.

GRI is currently planning updates to its support materials, including
Learning Publications, in line with the updated Guidelines. G3.1 will
be translated into Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese, and these
versions are expected to be ready later this year.
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