Below is a Tax Rates comparison of countries/region around the world. Most countries have extremely complex tax laws. Corporate/ Individual/ Payroll/ VAT/ GST/ Sales tax in each country amounts to different tax structure and rates.
Country/Region Corporate Individual Payroll tax (usually reduces taxable income) VAT / GST / Sales
Afghanistan 20% 2% to 5%
Albania 10% 20%
Algeria 19% 035% 17% or 14% or 7%
Andorra N/A 0% N/A 4.5% or 1%
Angola 35% 160% 10%
Argentina 35% 935% 21%
Armenia 20% 20%
Aruba 28%
Australia 30% 045%
1.5% (Medicare levy)
4.75-6% (state) 10% GST (0% on essential items)
Austria 25% 2150% 20%
Azerbaijan 20% 030% 18%
Bahamas 0% 0% 3.9% by employee, 5.9% by employer 0%
Bangladesh 045% 025% 15%
Barbados 25% 25%35% 15% (hotel accommodation 7.5%)
Belarus 18% 12% 35% 20% or 10%
Belgium 33.99% 2555% 21% (6% for essential and selected goods)
Benin 35% 35% 18%
Bhutan 025%
Bolivia 25% (IUE: on profits) 3% (IT: income resulting from transactions) N/A 13% (RC-IVA: Complementary Regime to the VAT withholding tax - the employee can deduct it entirely using the bills from products or services acquired) 13% (VAT) multiple rates (ICE: Consumption of specific products)
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10% FBiH, 10% RS 5% FBiH, 015% RS 33.76% FBiH, 4257% RS 17% FBiH and RS
Botswana 15% (plus 10% surcharge) 25% 12%
Brazil 34% 027.5% 31% 17% to 25%
Brunei 23.5% 0% 0% N/A
Bulgaria 10% 10% 20%
Burkina Faso 1030% 2-30% 18%
Burundi 35% 35% N/A 18%
Cambodia 10%
Cameroon 38.5% 1035% 19.25%
Canada 15%(11% small business reduced rate) (federal)
216% (provincial)
029% (federal)
024% (provincial)
4.95% (CPP)
1.78% Employment Insurance (EI)
5% (Federal GST) with exemptions for small-businesses
Cape Verde 15%
Central African Republic 19%
Chile 17% 040% 10% (AFP private retirement fund) + 2 to 3% (AFP administrative costs) + 7% (healthcare insurance) + 0.6% (unemployment insurance) = up to around 20% of income before taxes (each item has an upper payment limit) 19%
China 25% 545% 17% with many exceptions
Colombia 33% 033% 16%
Costa Rica 10-30% 0-25% for non-salary income. Any salary below 651,000 (approx. $1,266.54) is tax free. 10% income tax for the difference between 651,000 to 977,000 (approx. $1,266.54 to $1,900.78). 15% for the remaining amount above 977,000 (approx. $1,900.78). As well a total of 10% over gross salary is applied to all workers to finance social security. 10% GST / 13% Sales
Croatia 20% 12%-25%-40% 37.2% (nationwide)
018% (local) 23% (0% on books and some foods)
Cuba 30% 1050% 2.5% to 20%
Cyprus 10% 030% 6.8% 15% (5% or 0% for certain goods)
Czech Republic 20% 15% 47.5% 20% or 10% (certain goods)
Denmark 25% 36.5755.4 % 8% 25%
Egypt 20% 1020% N/A 10% (standard), 25% (luxury goods), 0% (exports)
El Salvador 25/30% 030% 13%
Estonia 21% 021% 33% 20% or 9%
Finland 26% 6.530% national, 1621% municipal 23%
13% (food and fodder)
9% (e.g. accommodation and culture)
France 33.33% 040% (income tax) 45% (social charges employers)
21% (social charges employees)
19.6% or 7% or 5.5% or 2.1%
Gabon 35% 555% 2.6% 18%
Germany 29.8% (average) 045% 41%, 15% for one of the many public health insurances (fixed rate by law), as well as a solidarity tax (depending on income) and a 26% social security tax (retirement + unemployment) 19% or 7% (e.g. food)
Georgia 15% 20% 18%
Gibraltar 10% 1740% N/A 0%
Greece 22/25% 045% 44% 23% or 11%
Guatemala 5% of Revenue or
31% of Net Income 1531% 17.5% (Social Security, Recreation and Technical Training Institutes) 12%
Guyana 35%/45% 33⅓% 16% or 0%
Hong Kong 16.5% 015% 5% mandatory personal defined contribution pension. 40% of Hong Kong Government revenue is from indirect taxation such as land sales N/A
Hungary 10% and 19% 16% and 20.32% (2012) 36.5% (2011) 27% , 18% (milk, dairy products, flour, cereals, bakery products etc.), 5% (medicines, books etc.)
Iceland 20% 046 - 28% 6% 25.5% or 7%
India 33.2175% 030% (+3% cess) 2%12.5%
Indonesia 25% starting FY 2010 530% 10%
Iran 25% 035% 1535% 1.5-10% depending on item
Ireland 12.5%/25%/10% 041% 0-11% 23% Goods
9%-13.5% Services
0% certain items of food
Israel 24% 1045% 16%
Italy 31.4% 2343% 21% or 10% or 4% (food, books)
Jamaica 33.3% 35% 25% 17.5%
Japan 40.69% 550% (40% national + 10% local) 25.63% 5% (consumption)
Jordan 14/24/30% 014% 16% (GST)
Kazakhstan 17.5%, 15%(2011-) 10% 11% 12%
South Korea 10%,20%,22% 6%,15%,24%,35%,38% 10%
Latvia 15% 25% 35.09% (11% by the employee) 22%
Lebanon 15/4-21% 220% 10%
Liechtenstein 18-20% on profits 1.2-34.32% N/A 3.6-7.6%, (lodging services additional 2.4%)
Lithuania 15% 015% 39.98% 21%
Luxembourg 29.63% 638.95% 15%
Macau 12%
Macedonia 10% 10%
Malaysia 25% 026% 2.25%, 21% to Provident Fund
Maldives 0-15% 3.5% Since October 2, 2011(To be increased to 6% from January 1, 2012)
Malta 35% 035% 18%
Mauritius 15% 15% 15%
Mexico 28% 329% 35% 16%
Monaco Company's do not suffer any direct tax on their profits. However, if more than 25% of a company's turnover is generated outside of Monaco, then the company is subject to a 33.33% tax rate, not counting deductions, ranging between 0.33-9.33%.66 0% The employer's contribution to Social Security is between 28%-40% (averaging 35%) of gross salary including benefits, and the employee pays a further 10%-14% (averaging 13%). 5.6 - 19.6%
Montenegro 9% 15% 17%
Morocco 30% 038% 20%
Nepal N/A 1025% 13%
Netherlands 20/25% 052% 19% (6% for essential and selected goods)
New Zealand 28% 10.533% 15% GST
New Caledonia 30% 25% on local income of non-residents
First XPF 1,000,000 tax-free, 4% on next XPF 800,000 (total income 1.0m - 1.8m), 12% on next XPF 1,200,000 (total income 1.8m - 3.0m), 25% on next XPF 1,500,000 (total income 3.0m - 4.5m), 40% on remaining income (total income >4.5m)
Norway 28% 047.8% 014.1% 25% or 14% (food and drink in shops) or 8% (transportation)
Pakistan 35% 7.535% 16% (GST)
Palestine 15% 5-15% 5-15% 14.5% (VAT)
Panama 30% 027% 7% or 0%
Peru 30% 0-15-21-30% 9% Essalud (Social Security) 8.33% CTS Compensacin por tiempo de servicios (like an insurance in case the employee loses his job) 1 complete additional salary in July and 1 complete additional salary in December for Christmas. 0.75% SENATI (Only Industry Jobs) 0.2% SENCICO (Only Construction Workers) 18% (16% VAT + 2% Municipal Promotional Tax) 0118% ISC Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo (To some products like liquor, cigarettes, etc.)
Philippines 30% 532% 12% or 7% or 0%
(in some cases, foreign investors are zero-rated)
Poland 19% 0%, 18%, 32% (or optional 19% flat rate for self-employed) 41.11% 23% or 8% or 5%
Portugal 25% 10.540% 23.75% Normal: 23% Intermediate: 13% Reduced: 6%
Madeira, Aores: 15%, 9%, 4%
Romania 16% 16% 45.15% 24% or 9% (medicines, books, newspapers, hotel ...), or 4%
Russia 20% (13% for SME) 13% 34% (10% for SME) before annual salary exceeds 415k RUB, 8% thereafter -obligatory social payments 0-18% (reduced rates for certain goods, no VAT for SME except for imports activities)
Saudi Arabia 20% (higher for oil/gas) Zakat (natives)
20% (foreigners) 11% Social security 0%
Senegal 25% up to 50% 20%
Serbia 10% 1220% 35.8% 18% or 8% or 0%
(reduced rates are for certain goods)
Singapore 17% 3.5%20% 7% (GST)
Slovakia 19% 19% 20%
Slovenia 20% 1641% 0% (abolished) 20% or 8.5%
South Africa 28% 040% 14%
Spain 2530% 052% 18% or 8% or 4%
Sri Lanka 0-35% 024% 0% or 12%
Sweden 26.3% 28.89%57%84 31.42% 25% or 12% or 6%
Switzerland 1325% 013.2% (federal) 8.0% or 3.8% or 2.5%
Syria 1045% 515%
Taiwan 17% 640% 5%
Tanzania 30% 1530%
Thailand 30% 537% 7%
Tunisia 30% 035% 18% or 12% or 6%
Turkey 20% 1535% 3540% 18%
Ukraine 25% (16% from April 1, 2014) 15% 33.2% - 34.7% Mandatory contribution to the State Pension Fund. For private entrepreneurs in simplified taxation mode minimum contribution calculation based on minimum income (December 2011: 34.7% * 1004 UAH = 348.39 UAH or about $44 per month) 20% (17% from January 1, 2014)
United Arab Emirates N/A 0% N/A
United Kingdom 20% for annual profits under 300000 and 25% for annual profits over 300000 20% for annual incomes under 35000, 40% for annual incomes between 35000-150000 and 50% for annual incomes over 150000 0%11% (individual) 0-12.8% (employer) (National Insurance) 20% Standard Rate;
5% Reduced Rate for home energy and renovations;
0% Zero Rate for life necessities - groceries, water, prescription medications, medical equipment and supplies, public transport, children clothing, books and periodicals.
United States 0-38% (federal)
0-12% (states) 0-35% (federal)
0-10.55% (states)
2.9-15.3% (federal, regressive)
0-2% (states, usually regressive) 0-10.25% (states and local)
Uruguay 30% 025% 22%
Uzbekistan 9 % 1122% 0-20%
Venezuela 15/22/34% 634% 810%/12%
Vietnam 25% 535% 10%
British Virgin Islands N/A 0% 1014% N/A
Zambia 35% 1030% 17.5%
Country/Region Corporate Individual Payroll tax (usually reduces taxable income) VAT / GST / Sales
Afghanistan 20% 2% to 5%
Albania 10% 20%
Algeria 19% 035% 17% or 14% or 7%
Andorra N/A 0% N/A 4.5% or 1%
Angola 35% 160% 10%
Argentina 35% 935% 21%
Armenia 20% 20%
Aruba 28%
Australia 30% 045%
1.5% (Medicare levy)
4.75-6% (state) 10% GST (0% on essential items)
Austria 25% 2150% 20%
Azerbaijan 20% 030% 18%
Bahamas 0% 0% 3.9% by employee, 5.9% by employer 0%
Bangladesh 045% 025% 15%
Barbados 25% 25%35% 15% (hotel accommodation 7.5%)
Belarus 18% 12% 35% 20% or 10%
Belgium 33.99% 2555% 21% (6% for essential and selected goods)
Benin 35% 35% 18%
Bhutan 025%
Bolivia 25% (IUE: on profits) 3% (IT: income resulting from transactions) N/A 13% (RC-IVA: Complementary Regime to the VAT withholding tax - the employee can deduct it entirely using the bills from products or services acquired) 13% (VAT) multiple rates (ICE: Consumption of specific products)
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10% FBiH, 10% RS 5% FBiH, 015% RS 33.76% FBiH, 4257% RS 17% FBiH and RS
Botswana 15% (plus 10% surcharge) 25% 12%
Brazil 34% 027.5% 31% 17% to 25%
Brunei 23.5% 0% 0% N/A
Bulgaria 10% 10% 20%
Burkina Faso 1030% 2-30% 18%
Burundi 35% 35% N/A 18%
Cambodia 10%
Cameroon 38.5% 1035% 19.25%
Canada 15%(11% small business reduced rate) (federal)
216% (provincial)
029% (federal)
024% (provincial)
4.95% (CPP)
1.78% Employment Insurance (EI)
5% (Federal GST) with exemptions for small-businesses
Cape Verde 15%
Central African Republic 19%
Chile 17% 040% 10% (AFP private retirement fund) + 2 to 3% (AFP administrative costs) + 7% (healthcare insurance) + 0.6% (unemployment insurance) = up to around 20% of income before taxes (each item has an upper payment limit) 19%
China 25% 545% 17% with many exceptions
Colombia 33% 033% 16%
Costa Rica 10-30% 0-25% for non-salary income. Any salary below 651,000 (approx. $1,266.54) is tax free. 10% income tax for the difference between 651,000 to 977,000 (approx. $1,266.54 to $1,900.78). 15% for the remaining amount above 977,000 (approx. $1,900.78). As well a total of 10% over gross salary is applied to all workers to finance social security. 10% GST / 13% Sales
Croatia 20% 12%-25%-40% 37.2% (nationwide)
018% (local) 23% (0% on books and some foods)
Cuba 30% 1050% 2.5% to 20%
Cyprus 10% 030% 6.8% 15% (5% or 0% for certain goods)
Czech Republic 20% 15% 47.5% 20% or 10% (certain goods)
Denmark 25% 36.5755.4 % 8% 25%
Egypt 20% 1020% N/A 10% (standard), 25% (luxury goods), 0% (exports)
El Salvador 25/30% 030% 13%
Estonia 21% 021% 33% 20% or 9%
Finland 26% 6.530% national, 1621% municipal 23%
13% (food and fodder)
9% (e.g. accommodation and culture)
France 33.33% 040% (income tax) 45% (social charges employers)
21% (social charges employees)
19.6% or 7% or 5.5% or 2.1%
Gabon 35% 555% 2.6% 18%
Germany 29.8% (average) 045% 41%, 15% for one of the many public health insurances (fixed rate by law), as well as a solidarity tax (depending on income) and a 26% social security tax (retirement + unemployment) 19% or 7% (e.g. food)
Georgia 15% 20% 18%
Gibraltar 10% 1740% N/A 0%
Greece 22/25% 045% 44% 23% or 11%
Guatemala 5% of Revenue or
31% of Net Income 1531% 17.5% (Social Security, Recreation and Technical Training Institutes) 12%
Guyana 35%/45% 33⅓% 16% or 0%
Hong Kong 16.5% 015% 5% mandatory personal defined contribution pension. 40% of Hong Kong Government revenue is from indirect taxation such as land sales N/A
Hungary 10% and 19% 16% and 20.32% (2012) 36.5% (2011) 27% , 18% (milk, dairy products, flour, cereals, bakery products etc.), 5% (medicines, books etc.)
Iceland 20% 046 - 28% 6% 25.5% or 7%
India 33.2175% 030% (+3% cess) 2%12.5%
Indonesia 25% starting FY 2010 530% 10%
Iran 25% 035% 1535% 1.5-10% depending on item
Ireland 12.5%/25%/10% 041% 0-11% 23% Goods
9%-13.5% Services
0% certain items of food
Israel 24% 1045% 16%
Italy 31.4% 2343% 21% or 10% or 4% (food, books)
Jamaica 33.3% 35% 25% 17.5%
Japan 40.69% 550% (40% national + 10% local) 25.63% 5% (consumption)
Jordan 14/24/30% 014% 16% (GST)
Kazakhstan 17.5%, 15%(2011-) 10% 11% 12%
South Korea 10%,20%,22% 6%,15%,24%,35%,38% 10%
Latvia 15% 25% 35.09% (11% by the employee) 22%
Lebanon 15/4-21% 220% 10%
Liechtenstein 18-20% on profits 1.2-34.32% N/A 3.6-7.6%, (lodging services additional 2.4%)
Lithuania 15% 015% 39.98% 21%
Luxembourg 29.63% 638.95% 15%
Macau 12%
Macedonia 10% 10%
Malaysia 25% 026% 2.25%, 21% to Provident Fund
Maldives 0-15% 3.5% Since October 2, 2011(To be increased to 6% from January 1, 2012)
Malta 35% 035% 18%
Mauritius 15% 15% 15%
Mexico 28% 329% 35% 16%
Monaco Company's do not suffer any direct tax on their profits. However, if more than 25% of a company's turnover is generated outside of Monaco, then the company is subject to a 33.33% tax rate, not counting deductions, ranging between 0.33-9.33%.66 0% The employer's contribution to Social Security is between 28%-40% (averaging 35%) of gross salary including benefits, and the employee pays a further 10%-14% (averaging 13%). 5.6 - 19.6%
Montenegro 9% 15% 17%
Morocco 30% 038% 20%
Nepal N/A 1025% 13%
Netherlands 20/25% 052% 19% (6% for essential and selected goods)
New Zealand 28% 10.533% 15% GST
New Caledonia 30% 25% on local income of non-residents
First XPF 1,000,000 tax-free, 4% on next XPF 800,000 (total income 1.0m - 1.8m), 12% on next XPF 1,200,000 (total income 1.8m - 3.0m), 25% on next XPF 1,500,000 (total income 3.0m - 4.5m), 40% on remaining income (total income >4.5m)
Norway 28% 047.8% 014.1% 25% or 14% (food and drink in shops) or 8% (transportation)
Pakistan 35% 7.535% 16% (GST)
Palestine 15% 5-15% 5-15% 14.5% (VAT)
Panama 30% 027% 7% or 0%
Peru 30% 0-15-21-30% 9% Essalud (Social Security) 8.33% CTS Compensacin por tiempo de servicios (like an insurance in case the employee loses his job) 1 complete additional salary in July and 1 complete additional salary in December for Christmas. 0.75% SENATI (Only Industry Jobs) 0.2% SENCICO (Only Construction Workers) 18% (16% VAT + 2% Municipal Promotional Tax) 0118% ISC Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo (To some products like liquor, cigarettes, etc.)
Philippines 30% 532% 12% or 7% or 0%
(in some cases, foreign investors are zero-rated)
Poland 19% 0%, 18%, 32% (or optional 19% flat rate for self-employed) 41.11% 23% or 8% or 5%
Portugal 25% 10.540% 23.75% Normal: 23% Intermediate: 13% Reduced: 6%
Madeira, Aores: 15%, 9%, 4%
Romania 16% 16% 45.15% 24% or 9% (medicines, books, newspapers, hotel ...), or 4%
Russia 20% (13% for SME) 13% 34% (10% for SME) before annual salary exceeds 415k RUB, 8% thereafter -obligatory social payments 0-18% (reduced rates for certain goods, no VAT for SME except for imports activities)
Saudi Arabia 20% (higher for oil/gas) Zakat (natives)
20% (foreigners) 11% Social security 0%
Senegal 25% up to 50% 20%
Serbia 10% 1220% 35.8% 18% or 8% or 0%
(reduced rates are for certain goods)
Singapore 17% 3.5%20% 7% (GST)
Slovakia 19% 19% 20%
Slovenia 20% 1641% 0% (abolished) 20% or 8.5%
South Africa 28% 040% 14%
Spain 2530% 052% 18% or 8% or 4%
Sri Lanka 0-35% 024% 0% or 12%
Sweden 26.3% 28.89%57%84 31.42% 25% or 12% or 6%
Switzerland 1325% 013.2% (federal) 8.0% or 3.8% or 2.5%
Syria 1045% 515%
Taiwan 17% 640% 5%
Tanzania 30% 1530%
Thailand 30% 537% 7%
Tunisia 30% 035% 18% or 12% or 6%
Turkey 20% 1535% 3540% 18%
Ukraine 25% (16% from April 1, 2014) 15% 33.2% - 34.7% Mandatory contribution to the State Pension Fund. For private entrepreneurs in simplified taxation mode minimum contribution calculation based on minimum income (December 2011: 34.7% * 1004 UAH = 348.39 UAH or about $44 per month) 20% (17% from January 1, 2014)
United Arab Emirates N/A 0% N/A
United Kingdom 20% for annual profits under 300000 and 25% for annual profits over 300000 20% for annual incomes under 35000, 40% for annual incomes between 35000-150000 and 50% for annual incomes over 150000 0%11% (individual) 0-12.8% (employer) (National Insurance) 20% Standard Rate;
5% Reduced Rate for home energy and renovations;
0% Zero Rate for life necessities - groceries, water, prescription medications, medical equipment and supplies, public transport, children clothing, books and periodicals.
United States 0-38% (federal)
0-12% (states) 0-35% (federal)
0-10.55% (states)
2.9-15.3% (federal, regressive)
0-2% (states, usually regressive) 0-10.25% (states and local)
Uruguay 30% 025% 22%
Uzbekistan 9 % 1122% 0-20%
Venezuela 15/22/34% 634% 810%/12%
Vietnam 25% 535% 10%
British Virgin Islands N/A 0% 1014% N/A
Zambia 35% 1030% 17.5%
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